Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
686 lines
; (c) 1989, 1990 Ashok P. Nadkarni
; General utility functions for CMDEDIT. SMALL model only. Also assume
; ES == DS.
INCLUDE common.inc
INCLUDE general.inc
INCLUDE ascii.inc
INCLUDE dos.inc
INCLUDE buffers.inc
PUBLIC stre_cmp
PUBLIC tolower
PUBLIC xlate_lower
PUBLIC getargs
PUBLIC isalphnum
PUBLIC iscntrl
PUBLIC isspace
PUBLIC isdelim
PUBLIC push_string
PUBLIC push_word
PUBLIC skip_nonwhite
PUBLIC skip_whitespace
PUBLIC skip_nondelim
PUBLIC output_newline
PUBLIC output_counted_string
EXTRN lastchar:WORD
EXTRN linebuf:BYTE
; FUNCTION : stre_cmp
; Does a case-insensitve comparison of two strings of equal length.
; Parameters:
; DS:SI := Address of string 1.
; ES:DI := Address of string 2.
; CX := Length.
; Returns:
; If string 1 = string 2, ZF = 1, CF = 0.
; If string 1 < string 2, ZF = 0, CF = 1.
; If string 1 > string 2, ZF = 0, CF = 0.
; Registers AX,CX destroyed.
stre_cmp proc near
@save si,di,dx
dec si ;Prime for loop
dec di
xor ax,ax ;Clear flags
jcxz @stre_cmp_99
cmpsb ;Point SI,DI to next byte
mov al,[si] ;String 1 byte
call near ptr tolower ;al := Uppercase version
xchg al,dl ;Save it.
mov al,ES:[di] ;Ditto for string 2
call near ptr tolower ;al := Uppercase version
cmp dl,al ;Compare string 1 with string 2
loope @stre_cmp_10 ;Keep looping as long as equal
stre_cmp endp
; FUNCTION : tolower
; Converts the character in AL to lower case if it is a upper case
; character, else leaves it unchanged.
; Parameters:
; Al := character
; Returns:
; AL := lowercase version or unchanged
tolower proc near
cmp al,'A'
jb @tolower_99
cmp al,'Z'
ja @tolower_99
add al,20h
tolower endp
; FUNCTION : xlate_lower
; Converts the passed string to lower case.
; Parameters:
; AX := length of string
; SI := address of string
; Returns:
; Nothing.
; Registers destroyed:
xlate_lower proc near
@save si,di
mov di,si
mov cx,ax
jcxz @xlate_lower_99
call near ptr tolower
loop @xlate_lower_10
xlate_lower endp
;+ FUNCTION : getargs
; getargs does one of two functions depending on the value in AX.
; If AX = 0, returns count of arguments in the line,
; else if AX = n, returns the nth argument.
; The argument separators are tab and space. Note that a
; carraige return (0Dh) terminates a line even if the byte
; count indicates otherwise. Arguments containing a SPACE or
; TAB separator may be specified by enclosing them in a pair of
; quotes ("). The quotes do NOT act as argument delimiters. For
; example the following line
; this"is a single "arg
; contains exactly one argument. An unmatched quote causes the
; remaining characters in the line to be treated as a single
; argument. A quote character can be included as part of an
; argument by preceding it with a ESCARG character. An ESCARG preceding
; any other character does not have any special meaning.
; Note that all other characters including the NUL char (00h)
; have no special significance.
; Parameters:
; DS:SI points to the line
; AX = argument number n
; CX = Length of line
; If parameter n != 0,
; then BX = address of user buffer where the returned argument is to
; be stored. This param need not be present if n is 0.
; DX = length of user buffer.
; Returns:
; If parameter n was 0,
; return argument count in AX (CF is undefined),
; else
; Store n'th argument in the buffer pointed to by BX and
; return the number of chars in the argument in AX.
; The returned argument has quotes and ESCARGes stripped
; out where appropriate. If the buffer is too small, CF
; is set to 1, else it is 0. In this case the user buffer
; contents are undefined.
; BX is explicitly unchanged.
; Registers CX,DX are destroyed.
getargs proc near
@save si,di
push bp
mov bp,sp
sub sp,2
userbuf_len EQU <word ptr [bp-2]>
mov di,ax ;save argument number
xor ax,ax ;al will hold char, ah will hold state
mov userbuf_len,dx ;Save size of user buffer
xor dx,dx ;dx counts arguments
;CX = line length
or cx,cx ;Check if CX is 0 (jump too far for jcxz)
jne @getargs_2
jmp @getargs_99 ;0 length, jump around ajnup
; At the start of this loop, the following hold :
; (1) CX >= 1. CX holds count of remaining characters.
; (2) ah holds the current "state" with the following encoding -
; When Bit 1 is 0, bit 0=0 indicates we're outside an argument
; and bit0=1 indicates we are inside an arg.
; When Bit 1 is 1, we are inside a quoted argument. In this
; case, bit 0 "remembers" the state we were in before the
; quotes so that it can be restored upon reaching the closing
; quotes.
; Bit 2 remembers if prev char was a ESCARG (=1) or not (=0)
; Bit 3 = 1 indicates this argument is to be copied into the
; user buffer
in_arg equ 01h
in_quote equ 02h
saw_ESCARG equ 04h
lodsb ;Get next char
cmp al,CR ;If carraige-return
je @getargs_50 ; then terminate processing.
call near ptr isspace ;Check if space or tab
jne @getargs_10 ;No, jump
; Process separator
and ah,NOT saw_ESCARG ;Remember char is not a ESCARG
test ah,in_quote ;Are we inside quotes ?
jnz @getargs_49 ;If so go onto next char
and ah,NOT in_arg ;else reset the inside arg flag
jmp short @getargs_49 ;and go onto next char
@getargs_10: ;Not a separator
test ah,in_arg OR in_quote ;Were we inside an arg or quoted arg ?
jnz @getargs_11 ;Yes, then skip the increment
;else entering an arg, so
inc dx ; increment arg count
or di,di ; If function is return arg count
je @getargs_11 ; then go on
cmp di,dx ; else check if this is the arg we want
jne @getargs_11 ; Nope, keep on
; Yep, this be the one
mov di,bx ;di = destination buf, ES assumed = DS
xor dx,dx ;Zero the character count
jmp short @getargs_80 ;Go to the copy loop
cmp al,QUOTE ;Is this a quote ?
jne @getargs_15 ;No, normal processing
test ah,saw_ESCARG ;Found quote, was prev char a ESCARG ?
jnz @getargs_15 ;Yes, normal processing
xor ah,in_quote ;else toggle the quote flag
jmp short @getargs_49 ;go onto next char
@getargs_15: ;Normal processing
and ah,NOT saw_ESCARG ;assume char is not a ESCARG
cmp al,ESCARG ;Is this a ESCARG ?
jnz @getargs_20 ;No
or ah,saw_ESCARG ;Set ESCARG flag
test ah,in_quote ;Are we inside quotes ?
jnz @getargs_49 ;If so go onto next char
or ah,in_arg ;else set the inside arg flag
loop @getargs_2 ;Go onto next char if any
@getargs_50: ;Finished with the line
or di,di ;Were we supposed to return an argument ?
je @getargs_99 ;No, so go on
xor dx,dx ;Yes, but arg num was > number of args
; so return a 0 count
jmp short @getargs_99 ;Skip over copy arg section
;Copy argument loop begins.
lodsb ;Get next char
cmp al,CR ;If carraige-return
je @getargs_99 ; then terminate processing.
call near ptr isspace ;Check if space or tab
jne @getargs_80 ;No, jump
; Process separator
test ah,in_quote ;Are we inside quotes ?
jz @getargs_99 ;No, terminate processing
jmp short @getargs_85 ;Treat like any other char
@getargs_80: ;Not a separator
;At this point CX = num of bytes remaining in the line including the
;one in AL.
cmp al,QUOTE ;Is this a quote ?
jne @getargs_85 ;No, normal processing
test ah,saw_ESCARG ;Found quote, was prev char a ESCARG ?
jnz @getargs_84 ;Yes, jump
xor ah,in_quote ;else toggle the quote flag
jmp short @getargs_89 ;go onto next char
@getargs_84: ;Found a \" combination
dec di ;Previous \ shouldn't have been written
dec dx ;or counted.
;fall thru for normal processing
@getargs_85: ;Normal processing
sub userbuf_len,1 ;Decrement space remaining in buffer. Do
; NOT use DEC here since CF needs to be set
jb @getargs_100 ;No more space, exit with CF set
stosb ;Store the char
inc dx ;and incr count
and ah,NOT saw_ESCARG ;assume char is not a ESCARG
cmp al,ESCARG ;Is this a ESCARG ?
jnz @getargs_89 ;No
or ah,saw_ESCARG ;Set ESCARG flag
loop @getargs_70 ;Go onto next char if any
xchg ax,dx ;AX<-arg count or num chars in returned arg
clc ;Clear CF for no error
mov sp,bp
pop bp
getargs endp
; FUNCTION : isalphnum
; Test if the character is alphanumeric.
; Parameters:
; AL = character
; Returns:
; CF = 0 if alphanumeric
; 1 if not
; Register(s) destroyed:
isalphnum proc near
cmp al,'0'
jc @isalphnum_99 ;Not alphanumeric
cmp al,'9'+1
jnc @isalphnum_99 ;Number
cmp al,'A'
jc @isalphnum_99 ;Not alphanumeric
cmp al,'Z'+1
jnc @isalphnum_99 ;Uppercase letter
cmp al,'a'
jc @isalphnum_99 ;Not alphanumeric
cmp al,'z'+1
isalphnum endp
; FUNCTION : iscntrl
; Check if control character and DEL (00h-1Fh and 0FFh).
; Parameters:
; AL = character to be checked
; Returns:
; CF = 0 if AL is a control character or DEL
; 1 not a control char or DEL
; Register(s) destroyed:
iscntrl proc near
cmp al,DEL
jne @iscntrl_99
cmp al,' '
iscntrl endp
; FUNCTION : isspace
; Check if a character is a SPACE or a TAB
; Parameters:
; AL = character to check
; Returns:
; ZF = 1 if AL is a space or a tab
; 0 otherwise
; Register(s) destroyed:
isspace proc near
cmp al,TAB
je @isspace_99
cmp al,SPACE
isspace endp
; FUNCTION : isdelim
; Check if a character is an MSDOS delimiter.
; Parameters:
; AL = character to check
; Returns:
; ZF = 1 if AL is a delimiter
; 0 otherwise
; Register(s) destroyed:
isdelim proc near
call near ptr isspace ;Check if space or tab
je @isdelim_99 ;Yes, go return
cmp al,'/'
je @isdelim_99 ;Yes, go return
cmp al,'|'
je @isdelim_99 ;Yes, go return
cmp al,'<'
je @isdelim_99 ;Yes, go return
cmp al,'>'
isdelim endp
; FUNCTION : skip_whitespace
; Searches for the next non-whitespace character in a given string.
; Parameters:
; SI -> pointer to string
; CX == num chars in the string
; Returns:
; CF = 1 if end-of string reached else 0
; SI ->next non-whitespace character or end-of-string
; CX <-num remaining characters including one pointed to by SI
; Register(s) destroyed:
; AX
skip_whitespace proc near
jcxz @skip_whitespace_98 ;Empty string
lodsb ;AL<-next char
call near ptr isspace ;Whitespace character ?
loope @skip_whitespace_10 ;Repeat until
; non-whitespace or string ends
je @skip_whitespace_98 ;End-of-string
; Non-whitespace char found
dec si ;SI->non-whitespace char
inc cx ;CX<-remaining number of bytes
clc ;CF<-0 (char found)
jmp short @skip_whitespace_99
; End of string reached.
stc ;Set CF
skip_whitespace endp
;+ FUNCTION : skip_nonwhite, skip_nondelim
; Searches for the next whitespace character / delimiter in a given
; string.
; Parameters:
; SI -> pointer to string
; CX == num chars in the string
; Returns:
; CF = 1 if end-of string reached else 0
; SI ->next whitespace character or end-of-string
; CX <-num remaining characters including one pointed to by SI
; Register(s) destroyed:
; AX
skip_non proc near
skip_nonwhite LABEL near
push dx
mov dx,offset DGROUP:isspace
jmp short @skip_non
skip_nondelim LABEL near
push dx
mov dx,offset DGROUP:isdelim
jcxz @skip_non_98 ;Empty string
lodsb ;AL<-next char
call dx ;nonwhite / delimiter
; character ?
loopne @skip_non_10 ;Repeat until
; whitespace or string ends
jne @skip_non_98 ;End-of-string
; whitespace char found
dec si ;SI->whitespace char
inc cx ;CX<-remaining number of bytes
clc ;CF<-0 (char found)
jmp short @skip_non_99
; End of string reached.
stc ;Set CF
pop dx
skip_non endp
; FUNCTION : push_word
; Looks for the next word (delimited by whitespace) and pushes it
; onto the specified string stack.
; Parameters:
; BX -> strstack descriptor
; SI -> string
; CX == length of string (< 256)
; Returns:
; AX <- 0 if no errors
; -1 if no room in stack
; +1 if no word in string
; SI -> char after first word (or end-of-string)
; CX <- num remaining characters
; Register(s) destroyed:
; DX
push_word proc near
; Skip forward to first word
call near ptr skip_whitespace ;Returns
; SI->start of word
; CX<-remaining chars
jcxz @push_word_98 ;No words in line
mov dx,si ;DX->start of word
push cx ;Save count
call near ptr skip_nonwhite ;Find end of word
; SI->beyond word
; CX<-remaining chars
pop ax
sub ax,cx ;AX<-length of word
push cx ;Save remaining char count
xor cx,cx ;CX<-0 (don't force push)
call near ptr strstk_push ;Store macro name into
; macro stack. Params
; Returns Cf = 0 or 1
pop cx ;CX<-remaining character
; Assume no error
mov ax,0 ;DON'T DO xor ax,ax SINCE CF to be preserved
jnc @push_word_99 ;Jump if no error
dec ax ;Error AX <- -1
jmp short @push_word_99 ;Exit
; No words found in line. Set return codes.
mov ax,1 ;Code for blank line
push_word endp
; FUNCTION : push_string
; Pushed the specified string onto the specified stack.
; Parameters:
; BX -> strstack descriptor
; SI -> string
; CX == length of string must be < 256
; Returns:
; CF <- 0 if no errors
; 1 if no room in stack
; Register(s) destroyed:
push_string proc near
mov dx,si ;DX->start of string
mov ax,cx ;AX<-length of string
xor cx,cx ;CX<-0 (don't force push)
call near ptr strstk_push ;Store macro name into
; macro stack. Params
; Returns Cf = 0 or 1
push_string endp
; FUNCTION : bell
; Called to ring the bell.
; Parameters:
; None.
; Returns:
; Nothing.
; Register(s) destroyed:
; AX
bell proc near
cmp silent,1
je @bell_99
@DispCh BEL
bell endp
; FUNCTION : output_counted_string
; Parameters :
; CX - Number of bytes to display
; DX - address of string
; Registers destroyed:
output_counted_string proc near
mov ah,40h
mov bx,1 ;stdout handle
int 21h ;Params ax,bx,cx,dx
output_counted_string endp
; FUNCTION: output_newline
; Registers destroyed:
output_newline proc near
@DispCh CR
@DispCh LF
output_newline endp